Friday, June 15, 2007

A Happy Medium

Every afternoon from 3:30-4, I sort mail. A categorically "intern" task, it's tedious, but I find ways to work deliberately and make it purposeful. "These three copies of the same press release sent to 3 ex-producers of my program are not garbage," I tell myself. "They're an opportunity to recycle!" And into the eco-friendly blue bin they go.

So it continues. Extra books and CDs are placed on the "free stuff" shelf, newspapers and magazines are stacked near the meeting table. Sometimes we'll get a really creative package from a listener, like a paperback novel about a female mannequin with superpowers who fights crime. This envelope included a personal fan letter and a photo album of the hand-carved wooden action figure in stunt poses.) Opening mail, though an under-glorified task, has become a simple pleasure of my day.

I sort through e-mail as well, sometimes, if reporter wants feedback on a story. Most e-mails are requests for tape or share a personal experience regarding a story. Some, however, are quick, vicious tirades about how NPR is nothing but a brood of sexist pigs or lefist man-haters. The contrasting sentiments where striking.

After reading a furious digression on the back of an empty, sealed envelope accusing NPR of radical anti-feminism, I asked my producer what he thought of the varied responses: liberals accusing us of being too conservative, conservatives condemning us as liberals.

He responded simply, "That's how we know we're doing our job."

Aww, yeah.

Becky Martinez
Weekend Edition Saturday

1 comment:

Steve said...

damn, I don't even get to sort mail!!